The subject of “how much does local SEO cost for a car dealership?” is becoming crucial in planning as automotive businesses are starting to realize the significance of improving their online visibility.  Ranking high in local searches is vital for automotive businesses targeting local consumers. 

It makes complete sense to ask about the financial implications of hiring a local SEO agency or running your SEO campaign month to month. When you know the costs, you can plan your budget and know if you can continue investing in local SEO long-term. 

Automotive SEO Services is an agency for automotive businesses, offering quality local SEO services to businesses of all sizes and shapes in the automotive industry. You can get in touch if you need a local SEO expert to manage your search engine marketing campaigns.    

In this article, we will explain the average cost of local SEO so that you can get an idea of what most local SEO agencies are charging car dealerships. Keep reading to get more details. 

How Much Does Local SEO Cost For A Car Dealership?

Local SEO doesn’t have a fixed price. Two agencies offering local SEO services may charge different fees. For example, Automotive SEO Services, a top-rated local SEO agency, charges less than $2000 monthly. And depending on the services you’re requesting, you might even pay far less.   

On the contrary, some local SEO companies charge more. Some charge within the range of $5000 to $10,000, depending on the SEO services your business needs. The more the number of SEO-related tasks they need to perform, the higher the cost of SEO. 

What Is Included In Local SEO Package For Car Dealership

Local SEO involves diverse processes, and some SEO agencies charge separate amounts for each service. Automotive SEO clients have to choose the services they want or let the agency decide for them. 

It’s easier to know how much kick-starting a local SEO campaign would cost you when the SEO company doing the work charges separate fees for the different SEO services. But when you add up the cost of each service even though they are charged separately, and compare it to SEO companies that charge a single fee for the various services, you’ll discover the former is more expensive. 

Here is a breakdown of what local SEO agencies that charge separate fees for their local SEO services demand. 

Local SEO Analytics:

How much does it cost to set up your Google Search Console and Google Analytics to track, analyze, and optimize your SEO campaign? Most SEO agencies charge around $500 – $1000 alone on local SEO analytics services. In this service, they’ll help you set up your Google analytics and Google search console facilities to deliver accurate measurement of SEO performance and understanding of outcomes. 

For some SEO agencies, local SEO analytics is part of the broader local SEO services they offer. So, you don’t have to pay a separate amount for this service. At Automotive SEO Services, the SEO expert managing your project will set up your Google Analytics and Search Console. 

Google Business Optimization:

How much will it cost to set up and optimize your Google My Business profile? Interestingly, some SEO agencies charge from $500 to $1000 for this service. They’ll help you create a Google Business Profile, place your target keyword strategically, and add captivating visuals. You’ll get expertly written business descriptions and NAP consistency. NAP refers to your business name, address, and phone number. 

Google My Business optimization is an important strategy in local search engine options. Google owns the platform and is the largest search engine. Creating a GBP account for your car dealership business will have a huge impact on your automotive business. Your chances of being found online will increase.     

Local Keyword And Optimization:

Keywords are the heart and soul of every SEO campaign. Search engines operate with keywords. That is why you can only rank in search results for the keywords you targeted in your content. 

How much does keyword research and optimization cost? At Automotive SEO Services, local keyword research is part of the services you’ll get. You won’t have to pay a separate fee for keyword research. 

Some SEO agencies charge for keyword research and optimization separately. They usually charge around $500 to $2000.

Content Development Services: 

Having a comprehensive content marketing plan can contribute massively to your car dealership’s online success. But then, how much does content marketing cost? You should expect to spend around $700 to $1000. This amount includes keyword research, content planning, and writing. 

Populating your website with quality content is an important step to improve your car dealership’s search rankings and organic traffic. Google search engine will rank your site based on the quality of your content. 

High-quality content improves dwell time. A high dwell time to Google signifies that your content is high-quality, relevant, and valuable. This gives the search engine the confidence that pushing your content to the top of search results is a great decision. 

Factors That Determine How Much Local SEO Cost For A Car Dealership

Several factors influence the cost of local SEO. An SEO expert may ask car dealership A to pay a certain amount for local SEO services and ask car dealership B to pay the same, higher or lower amount. 

Let’s look at the factors that influence the cost of local SEO. From the knowledge you’ll gather here, you can plan your local SEO campaign’s budget according to your financial capacity. 

1: Multiple or a single location?  

Does your car dealership business have multiple branches? If yes, you’re going to spend more on local SEO than a car dealership that has a single branch. The reason is that you need to perform local SEO for each branch. 

So, the more locations you have, the higher the investment you have to make in local SEO. 

2: The extent of the local SEO services:

The extent of the local SEO services your car dealership business requires can influence how much you have to invest. An expert SEO agency will likely conduct an SEO audit to determine the level of SEO work your business needs. From the SEO audit, you’ll find out the sort of local SEO services you need. 

3: The SEO agency:

The cost of local SEO for car dealership businesses varies from one SEO agency to another. While some SEO agencies are considerate with their pricing, others request huge fees. Popular SEO companies tend to charge huge fees for local SEO because they tend to have loads of projects. 

Understand that being popular doesn’t necessarily mean an SEO company can deliver results. Even if you hire SEO experts who have the experience and knowledge, you won’t get the results if they aren’t committed to your project. 

Find an SEO agency that is willing to go the extra mile to ensure you achieve the desired results. Don’t hire an SEO company because they are popular or promise to help you rank high in search results overnight. You need an SEO agency that is willing to commit to your project to achieve the desired results. 

4: The competition in your niche:

Local SEO improves your chances of being found online, and in local search. However, you can still face massive competition from rivals. So, if your car dealership business is facing high competition where you operate, you need to invest more money in your search engine optimization campaign. 

Since you’re facing high competition, you need proper keyword research, SEO audit, quality content, and even backlinks to gain a competitive edge. You need to implement an effective local SEO strategy to outrank your competitors. 

5: The number of services you render: 

 The number of services or brands of vehicles you’re selling will determine how much you’ll invest in SEO. If you’re selling diverse brands of vehicles and you want to create a massive buzz around each of them, you need to create more pages and optimize them for local searches. 

You’ll be targeting different keywords and building backlinks for the different pages. Therefore, it will cost you more. 


You have seen the answer to the question, “How much does local SEO cost for a car dealership?” We explained how much it would cost you to hire an SEO agency that will plan, execute, and track your search engine marketing campaign.

While the cost of local SEO isn’t fixed, you should be aiming for a search engine marketing company whose rate is budget-friendly. SEO is an online marketing activity you need to perform throughout the existence of your business. 

We also discussed several factors that can influence the cost of local SEO, one of them being the number of locations you have. The more locations you have, the higher your investment in local search engine optimization. 
