Have you ever thought about mobile SEO for car dealerships? Do you understand the importance of mobile search engine optimization for your car dealership business? You’ll know more after reading this post. 

Why should car dealerships invest in SEO for mobile devices? Studies have indicated that 65.1% of organic traffic comes from mobile searches, while only 35.9% comes from desktop. There are approximately 7.2 billion smartphones worldwide, while the world population is just 8 billion.

So, you can see that the number of mobile device users is increasing. Additionally, many people enjoy surfing the internet via their mobile phones.  

Here, we will explain things you need to know about mobile SEO, benefits and how to implement it for your car dealership. Keep reading for more details!

What Is Mobile SEO For Car Dealerships?

Mobile search engine optimization for car dealerships implies optimizing your car dealership business’ website for mobile devices. It means adjusting your website content to ensure visitors who access the website via any mobile device have an experience customized for their device. 

Google Search started focusing on mobile devices in 2015. However, in 2016, the search engine heavyweight announced its mobile-first crawling and indexing approach. In other words, beginning in 2016, Google made it clear to website owners that it would prefer crawling and indexing the mobile version of their websites first.

Note that Google will still store your content in its database even if you don’t optimize for mobile devices. However, failure to optimize for mobile devices means you’ll lose a huge opportunity to rank high. Additionally, since Google prioritizes mobile optimization, your competitors who are optimized for mobile devices will rank higher than you in the SERPs.

Why Is Mobile SEO Important For Car Dealerships? 

Mobile-friendliness is a major Google ranking factor. So, to boost your chances of ranking high on the Google search engine result page, you have to optimize your car dealership website for mobile search. 

Another reason mobile SEO is crucial for your car dealership business is organic traffic. The majority of your website traffic will come from mobile searches. Many people enjoy searching for products or information online on their mobile devices, as it is fast, convenient and they can search on the go. 

Therefore, the majority of your organic traffic will come from mobile searches. And that makes mobile optimization an important strategy to achieve online success. You’ll get more organic traffic and generate more leads. 

Mobile-friendly websites display their content on all mobile devices exactly how they display it on desktops. If you visit a mobile-optimized website, you won’t strain your eyes or zoom further to read any content.  

Mobile optimization is important for your car dealership website. It allows your site to deliver a great user experience, encouraging users to spend more time on the site and visit repeatedly. 

We have explained the reason car dealerships need to consider mobile SEO for the success of their business, but let’s look at a couple of statistics that show how valuable mobile optimization is:

A lot of people usually spend 70% of their internet time on their mobile devices. They prefer surfing the internet with their mobile phones, as it’s more convenient and quicker. 

Imagine having 100 potential car buyers visit your website via their mobile phones, and they all have a negative experience. Do you think they’ll take action or return to that website? Of course, they’ll prefer checking other websites. That’s how many businesses lose leads to their competitors.

A mobile-friendly car dealership website will deliver a positive experience. Visitors will be able to check out the various car collections you have, including their prices and other details to make an informed decision. So, if you want to stop losing leads to your competitors, ensure your website is mobile-optimized. 

74% of internet users are more likely to revisit a mobile-friendly website if they have a positive user experience.    

Another study shows that 67% of users who had a positive user experience on a mobile-friendly website are more likely to purchase a product or service. 

Mobile optimization improves the perception of over 60% of users. When visitors have positive experiences once they can access your website on their mobile phones, they will likely have a good perception of your business. They’ll consider you as a serious car dealership and feel more comfortable doing business with you because they trust you. 

Finally, as we explained earlier, Google prioritizes mobile-friendliness when crawling, indexing, and ranking websites. The search engine giant understands that more people surf the web via their mobile phones. So, ranking a website that isn’t mobile-friendly on the top of the search results won’t be a great idea.

Benefits of Mobile SEO For Car Dealership

Here is a quick summary of the impact mobile SEO can have on your car dealership business. For starters, it can transform your business in ways you never imagined. Check the benefits below. 

1: Improve your website rankings:

Mobile-friendliness is one of Google’s major ranking factors. Google made it known to website owners in 2016. So, making your website mobile-friendly will improve your chances of ranking high in the search engine result pages. 

2: Improve organic traffic:

Ranking high on the search engine result page will automatically improve your web traffic. Your car dealership website will be easier for potential car buyers to find online. 

3: Better conversion rates:

The majority of your organic traffic will come from mobile searches. So, it’s important to prepare for those visitors who will visit your website via their mobile device by making your website mobile-friendly. 

When your website is mobile-friendly, your visitors can read your content and take the action you require of them. This can be filling out a form or placing an order online. As a result, you’ll enjoy higher conversion rates and turn majority of your visitors into leads.   

On the contrary, if your website is not mobile-optimized, your visitors won’t know what you’re requesting of them. They won’t be able to read your content or take the required action. 

4: Improves user engagement:

When potential customers visit your car dealership website, you’ll want them to spend a longer time and check out the various pages of the website. If they do, you’ll have a lower bounce rate and higher dwell time.

A low bounce rate and high dwell time give Google the impression that the information on your website (particularly the web pages visited) is valuable and helpful. This signal can also encourage Google to promote your website to the top of the search engine results for the targeted keywords. 

5: Positive user experience:

A mobile-optimized website will deliver a positive user experience. Visitors will find it easy to navigate from one page to another and consume information on each page without straining their eyes. 

A positive user experience can positively impact your website rankings. Google may consider ranking you higher on the search result page. 

6: Improve your online presence:

Since mobile-friendliness is a ranking factor, optimizing your website for mobile devices will help improve your website’s online visibility. And when you rank high, potential customers looking for car dealerships will find you online and show interest. 

Mobile search has overtaken desktop. And that won’t change anytime soon. Instead, more and more people will show interest in mobile searches because it is convenient and they can access the internet from anywhere. According to Google, 75% of users prefer mobile-friendly websites.

Another thing you need to know is that  mobile search is on the rise, while desktop search isn’t showing the same improvement. Instead, desktop search is decreasing, and we all know why. These days, people are too busy and can’t wait patiently to get to their laptops at home before surfing the internet. Besides, it’s inconvenient to open a computer in a public transport 

How To Know If Your Car Dealership Website Is Not Mobile Friendly

There’s no way to know if a website isn’t mobile-friendly other than by running a couple of tests. Luckily, the mobile-friendliness test is simple. Here is a quick summary of how it’s done. 

First off, know that you can check if your site is mobile-friendly without loading the entire pages on a mobile device. A simple way to run such a test is to utilize Google’s mobile page testing tool.

To test your website’s mobile-friendliness, all you need to do is enter your web page’s URL and click “Test URL.”

If you’re utilizing Google Search Console, you’ll discover that the test is even more straightforward with the Mobile Usability report. 

The report of your mobile-friendliness test will determine the next step you should take. But if you discover that your website isn’t mobile-friendly, do the needful. Optimize it for mobile devices immediately to improve your website ranking and traffic.

Mobile SEO For Car Dealerships: Must-Know Tips

If, after checking, you discover that your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you need to act fast to remedy the situation. So, how can you perform mobile optimization? Follow the tips below:

1: Make your content mobile-friendly:

Your first step should be about making your content mobile-friendly. The idea is to make it easier for visitors to consider your content on their mobile devices, which have a small screen compared to desktops. 

Optimizing your content for mobile devices will help lower your bounce rate and increase dwell time. Of course, when people enjoy your content, they will love to spend more time on your site. 

Here’s how you can optimize your content for mobile phones:

  • Keep your introductions short:

Resist the urge to make your paragraphs extremely long. Instead, get your main points across as early as possible. If you’re writing a question type of content, answer the question in the first line. 

  • Use shorter paragraphs:

Keep your paragraphs short to improve your content’s readability. Use shorter sentences to make it easier for readers to digest your points. 

Furthermore, endeavor to focus on one idea per paragraph. And start the content with the most appealing ideas. There’s no point saving the best for the last. 

  • Leave white spaces:

Improve your content’s readability by leaving white spaces between ideas and paragraphs. By doing so, visitors won’t think of your content as a boring piece.

A study has also suggested that white spaces can increase comprehension by 20%.  

  • Get rid of intrusive pop-ups:

Your car dealership website shouldn’t have anything to do with intrusive pop-ups, as Google is strongly against it. 

Google wants visitors to access your content with ease. Unfortunately, intrusive pop-ups will make it impossible. 

2: Improve website loading speed: 

Do you have any idea of how quickly your website loads? That is one area you need to concentrate more effort on. 

Website loading speed impacts every aspect of your website. This includes your engagement, user experience, ranking, organic traffic, click-through, conversion rate, and even sales. 

The longer your website takes to load, the more frustrated and agitated your visitors will become. Many will even consider checking out your competitors and may do business with them if they have a positive experience on their website. 

You can check your website’s loading speed with diverse tools. Check them out below:

  • GTmetrix
  • Uptrends
  • Dareboost
  • Site 24 x 7
  • Dotcom-Monitor 
  • Yellow Lab Tools
  • Google PageSpeed Insights
  • Google Chrome Dev Tools
  • Pingdom website speed test tool 

There is a long list of website testing tools out there. And you can use any to check your website speed. 

Make your website load quickly. Google wants websites to load in under half a second, if possible. 

3: Use voice search-friendly keywords:  

Voice search is gaining the traction it deserves. It will soon become the main thing for a large section of internet users. 

So, when optimizing your car dealership website for mobile search, pay attention to voice searches. In other words, use voice search-friendly keywords. 

Research shows 65%of consumers between the ages of 25 to 49 use voice enabled devices. Their devices can perform voice search, so it’s important to use voice search-friendly keywords when optimizing for mobile search. 

The keywords targeted for desktop users aren’t the same for mobile searches, especially for consumers using voice search. In this case, you have to optimize for conversational or semantic search. 

When optimizing for desktop, you can use a keyword like “best Honda dealership New York.”

For voice search, you use the question type of keyword. For example, “where can I find the best Honda Dealership New York?”

4: Consider optimizing your title tags and meta descriptions: 

Have you been neglecting your title tags and meta descriptions, not optimizing them? If yes, you are missing a huge opportunity to rank high on the search engine result page. 

When you optimize your title tags and meta descriptions, Google crawlers and users will understand the context of your content better. The reward is always better search rankings. 

How do you optimize your title tags and meta descriptions? Here are tips to abide by:

  • Make your title tags catchy and short.
  • Keep title tags between 50 to 60 characters. Google usually rewrites title tags that are more than 70 characters long. So, it is less likely that your title tag would be rewritten when kept at 50 to 60 characters. 
  • Include the primary keyword in your title tags. 
  • Avoid keyword stuffing in your title tag. Use only your primary keyword there. 

How do you optimize your meta descriptions for mobile search? Follow the tips below:

  • Keep your meta description at 120 characters long. That way, your visitors can read your entire meta description, whether on mobile or desktop. 
  • Make your meta description unique and catchy. 
  • Incorporate your primary keyword in the meta description. 
  • You can use a powerful call to action in your meta description. 
  • Make your meta description concise and straight to the point. Put your most powerful and captivating information first.   

5: Build quality backlinks for your car dealership website:

Whether you’re optimizing for mobile or desktop search, backlinks are important and should be prioritized. Backlinks are one of the major Google ranking factors. 

Web pages without backlinks will perform poorly in search rankings than the ones with backlinks. So, build quality and niche-relevant backlinks to boost your search engine rankings and referral traffic. 

6: Analyze your competitors:

When optimizing your website for mobile search, keep an eye on your competitors, especially those ranking above you on the search engine result page. 

Analyze your competitors to know the keywords they are ranking for, the length of content, and more. With the information gathered, you can create a custom SEO plan to outperform your competitors. 


Mobile SEO for car dealerships is a process every business owner in the automotive industry must prioritize. The number of mobile searches is currently higher than desktop searches and is poised to increase in the coming years. 

The number of mobile phone users has increased over the years. So, it’s expected that mobile searches to rise, given the convenience and portability of mobile devices. 

Google’s mobile-first crawling and indexing approach is another reason mobile SEO is important for car dealerships. A mobile-optimized website will deliver a positive user experience, and that is what the Google search engine wants. 
